Sunday, December 11, 2011

O, Christmas Tree!

Hey family!  I'm sorry I haven't written anything in a while, but I haven't really had any pictures to post.  But here's a short recap of what's been going on.  I've been teaching a lot, trying to figure out how to best teach 200+ kindergarten-ers English.  So far, we've just been singing a lot of song and playing a lot of games.  It's been working out well, so I guess I'll stick with that.

I saw all of the pictures from Thanksgiving, and I'm extremely jealous of you guys, but I was able to have a little Thanksgiving of my own.  I got together with some American/English co-workers an we cooked a turkey in a toaster oven.  It was a 10 kilo (about 22 lb) bird.  The door could barely close.  We had pumpkin pie (made from scratch), Stove-top stuffing, mashed potatoes, the works!  It was a really nice, close approximation, to a real American Thanksgiving.

I also went out and chopped down a tree for Christmas.  The man at the tree farm was nice enough to wrap it in that white netting stuff so I could take it home on the metro...


Then I had some friends over who helped me trim the tree.  We drank some egg nog (and nobody died), let the branches fall a little bit, and then put on the lights and decorations.  A Christmas miracle!

(We had to improvise some of the ornaments)

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